Time well spent


Thank you for visiting my site. Obviously you have little to do in your life, or this is number 627 for you to do on a dare. However, if I have asked you to visit, then I am pleased you arrived and will attempt to provide you with some insight into my life and purpose. As well, this is an excellent way for you to stay in touch with me, or inquire about any aspect of my companies and projects we take on. I Thoroughly enjoyed my term contract with MTI community College. Working with them had been a pleasure. Now working as part of a team at WorkBC and with Vtwin Motorcycle school is just as rewarding.

I am making an effort to present you with my entire spectrum of career and education background as well as keep you informed of the direction of my companies, and apprised of my activities and passions, all in three pages. Whew. 

You can reach me directly at any one of the following companies.

WorkBC in Sardis at 604-858-5472, or

MTI Community College in Chilliwack at 604-824-6081,or

VTWIN Motorcycle School in Abbotsford at 604-556-2453 or

Finally at Pilot Projects at 604-997-6117.

You can also contact me at any of my e-mail addresses:

robert@robertadams.ca, robert@careergate.ca, robert@pilotprojects.ca. pilot_fifty@yahoo.com

Websites are available above by link, If you are not familiar with my companies and your first contact with us is here, we would be pleased to hear from you! Please let me know what your needs and questions are, I will be more than happy to help. Leave me an email please.

In brief, you should know the following about me and my work: My goal has always  been to provide the best possible customer experience in any of my companies and projects,endeavors and appointments. This shows in any one of our operations you experience, whether it be a weekend of motorcycle training, a workshop conducted by me at WorkBC, or a full year of schooling as a student at one of MTIs campuses. I want to leave a lasting positive impression with you. I confess, it is the people I work with and for that has the commitment to perform this duty as much as I. If at any time you do not receive exemplary, honest service, call me. We will make it right.This includes all the private contracts undertaken by Pilot Projects as well....
